Optimal design through simulation
Designing microgrids with renewable generation, storage assets and unique load profiles can be complex. The optimum design will vary with specific site characteristics, for example: roof size, orientation, interactions between multiple generators, consumption profiles, desire to optimise CAPEX or OPEX – to name a few variables.
Deepwater can perform countless simulations of different PV, storage and controller combinations, to determine which is best for your site. The simulations include real weather and consumption patterns in order to simulate a realistic scenario. Further, these simulations can include control strategy variations, for example opportunistic battery charge and discharge cycles.
In determining the optimum installation size and control for your microgrid, Deepwater also considers your desired outcome. For example, systems designed to minimise cost, emissions or grid-dependance may all have different design specifications. This choice of design outcome can be specified for Deepwater.
Is your current microgrid control optimised? Is there an incumbent demand management provider at your facility? Deepwater can perform automated due diligence and third party auditing of your current solution. In many cases there is scope for further optimisation and savings, one way to achieve this is through the creation of custom-built control strategies – optimised for your specific site and consumption habits.
Deepwater simulation of different PV and battery storage system sizes. Colours indicate the effective emissions intensity achieved by each system size combination. Results are sensitive to the site-specific max-demand and demand profile.
Photo by unsplash.com/@chuttersnap