Deepwater is technology agnostic and strives for interoperability
Deepwater is designed to be interoperable with existing systems installed at your site, both physical infrastructure as well as digital monitoring and control platforms. In this way, Deepwater is agnostic to what technology already exists on site, and simply attempts to drive the most value and best environmental outcome out of the existing infrastructure.
Deepwater is able to understand sites of arbitrary complexity through simple ontologies which define relationships and properties between equipment and entities.
"name": "solar",
"constraints": {
"output": "fixed",
"capacity": 1000,
"pvout": 4.75
"name": "battery",
"constraints": {
"capacity": 130,
"max_discharge_rate": "auto",
"max_charge_rate": "auto",
"unidirectional_flows": true,
"state_machine": true,
"inbound_loss": 0.05,
"outbound_loss": 0.05
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